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Bluetooth Transmitter / Receiver


Bluetooth Wireless Transceiver pack (transmitter & receiver) for Limitimer Systems.

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672,00 € inc. VAT.

560,00 € ex. VAT.

The TR-2000BT-Kit Bluetooth Wireless Transceivers for Limitimer Systems from DSAN features a pair of TR-2000BT wireless transceivers, designed to connect the Limitimer PRO-2000 speaker timer system (sold separately) with signal lights.

One unit is powered by the included external power supply, and the other unit is powered through the connection to the Limitimer. You can connect up to 4 signal light units to a receiver via the RJ45 connectors. The receiver provides power and data to a connected signal light unit and can transmit up to 300' away. Up to 4 transmitter/receiver networks can operate in proximity via the selectable channels.

Connection Type Bluetooth