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LimiTimer PRO2000 Controller


PRO2000 - LimiTimer timer RJ45 wired control unit.

More details

1 224,00 € inc. VAT.

1 020,00 € ex. VAT.

(Special order only)

The D’San Limitimer PRO-2000 is an automated speaker timer system that provides an ideal time-keeping solution during presentations. With 4 programmable time modes that provide total time, remaining time, sum-up time, and beep / blink settings, the timer provides versatile cue options via beep, blink, or beep-blink combinations.

This model is designed for fixed installations and uses RJ45 connections.


  • 1- PRO2000 timer console
  • 1- 110/220V external power supply
Connection Type RJ45 Cable